Thank you very much for editing my paper. It is very much improved.

D.S., Germany

Journal Formatting - Introduction

Almost 9,000 medical and biomedical journals are published every year. Each journal has specific instructions for authors for formatting the text, references, tables, graphs, figures and figure legends. In most instances, manuscripts which are not prepared according to the journal format are returned to the author for re-formatting without even a review by the journal editor. This creates needless delays in the editorial, peer review and publication process. In some cases the manuscript may be rejected altogether for not adhering to journal format.

When you submit manuscript for our Journal Formatting service, our editors and writers will:

  • Text Formatting: Format the text of your manuscript, abstract, graphs, tables, table headings and figure legends as specified in the instructions for authors of the journal you select to submit your manuscript.
  • Reference Check: All the references will be checked against international journal databases to ensure their accuracy.
  • Reference Formatting: The format of all the references will be checked to ensure that they conform to the journal style. If required, the references will be re-formatted to match the reference style specified by the journal.
  • Picture/figures Formatting: Format your pictures/figures to meet the technical standards of the journal.
Our Journal Formatting service can be used for all type of manuscripts which are published by medical and biomedical journals.

The type of manuscripts commonly submitted to us for our Journal Formatting service include:

Original Articles
Review Articles
Case Reports
Rapid Communication
Short Reports
Letter to Editors
Teaching Case
Short Communication
Technical Reports
Innovative techniques
Diagnostic Seminars
Clinical Images
Quiz case